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PropertySimple's Social Media Dos & Don'ts

How many different real estate agents and businesses have you come across on social media? We’re guessing a lot! Did you know that nearly 96% of all small businesses use social media as their main marketing strategy? After all, it’s the fastest and easiest way to share your brand and get customer engagement. Looking to use social media to your advantage? PropertySimple’s expert marketing team is here to help. Here are our top dos and don’ts when it comes to using social media to help your real estate business’s marketing.

Do use high-quality images!

Social media can look a little too perfect sometimes. That doesn’t mean your content has to be perfect. However, high-quality content is important! A blurry photo or one cropped from a screenshot is visually unappealing and audiences will be quick to skip over your posts. It can be hard to compete with the constant stream of content we get bombarded with on different platforms which is why it’s important to have a visually pleasing post so you can catch a random passerby's eye! Who knows - they could be a new client! Minimize missing out on potential new followers by taking the time to use good images. 

If you need tips on how to optimize your content check out this post.

Don’t overuse hashtags!

We’re just going to come out and say it - hashtags have become overrated. Abusing hashtags on your posts actually can do more harm than good to your engagement and reach. If you repeat the same hashtags over and over and only use the “trending” ones, you can be shadow-banned on your accounts and even lose followers. If the hashtag isn’t exactly on-brand for your post - it’s best not to use it. Only use hashtags that add value to your posts. Another thing to note - hashtag trends are always changing so the hashtag you used a month ago may not be relevant today.

If you’re curious about how to keep up with the best hashtags from day to day here is a great resource

Do post regularly - have a schedule!

The short and sweet answer: post as often as you can as long as it’s quality content! You also should be posting content that your audience identifies with and are most likely to interact with.  The issue with posting infrequently is that your audience after a while won’t see your posts and will forget about your content and this makes you more invisible on social media platforms in general. If you’re still a little confused here are some schedule recommendations to get you started per platform:

Facebook: Minimums 3 times per week. Maximum once a day to get started.

Twitter: Maximum three tweets per day. Also, consider retweeting other tweets that you like.

Instagram: At least once a day and a maximum of 3 times a day (includes stories and reels).

LinkedIn: At least twice a week.

Don't get obsessed with numbers!

Ok here’s the real skinny on social media - there is no one magic formula. There isn’t a secret strategy that will make you viral. You can’t plan a viral post and that’s the hard truth. Social is a marathon, not a sprint! Content can go viral or not and it’s really not in your control. If you’re committed to growing your business online, you need to be patient. Creating engaging content and posting consistently while communicating with your audience all takes time – but it’s all worth it. So stay true to yourself and your brand and come up with feasible goals. For example: make it your goal to have 3 good, solid posts per week. The little things add up and your numbers will grow! 

Do use video content!

If you didn’t already know, video content is the future of social media! Social media platforms are giving priority to video content and increasing its reach infinitely more than a regular post.  It's also been shown that live videos are viewed three times longer than pre-recorded videos, so if you can, try going live on Facebook and Instagram. It’s an easy way to show an open house or your business and create a more direct connection with your audience. It may seem a little daunting, but it’s actually easier than you think. Here are some extra video tips to get you started!

Final note: we know social media can seem complicated and like a lot of effort but that’s why we’re here to help! Feel free to contact us to get marketing advice or think about hiring a marketing team to take care of all of your marketing needs! But the bottom line is YOU’VE GOT THIS!


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